Kanika Khurana

Kanika Khurana
  • Top 5 UI UX Design Companies To Look For

    Top 5 UI UX Design Companies To Look For

    Are you searching for the best UI UX design companies to transform your digital presence? You’re not alone.   With the digital landscape continuously evolving, a recent study found that 73% of users base their purchasing decisions on a company’s digital experience. partnering with the right UI UX design company is crucial to stand out…

  • Proven Tips to Hire UI UX Designer for Your Business

    Proven Tips to Hire UI UX Designer for Your Business

    Hey there!   So, you’re looking to hire a UI UX designer for your business, huh? Smart move. Did you know that a well-designed user interface can raise your website’s conversion rate by up to 200%? yes, you heard it right.   Having the right designer can transform your product, making it functional and delightful…

  • What is an AI Agency

    What is an AI Agency

    If you’ve ever wondered how companies leap from trend following to trend setting, the answer often lies with a specialized type of firm known as an AI agency.   Do you often feel overwhelmed by data? Or drown in repetitive tasks?   An AI agency might be your perfect match!   Let us go through…

  • Top 10 Mobile App Design Companies in India

    Top 10 Mobile App Design Companies in India

    Swipe up through your phone.   Social media? Check.   Banking app? Yes.   That game you can’t put down? Of course!   Mobile apps have become the invisible assistants in our pockets that are changing how we interact with the world. But with millions on the app stores, what makes one truly stand out?…

  • UX Design for Fintech: Top Design Trends in 2024

    UX Design for Fintech: Top Design Trends in 2024

    Remember the days when managing your finances felt like filling out endless paperwork in a bank branch? Thankfully, the world of finance is undergoing a design revolution, led by UX design for fintech. A recent study found that 73% of people would switch banks for a better digital experience.   This statistic underscores the growing…

  • Responsive Web Design Done Right: 3 Key Strategies

    Responsive Web Design Done Right: 3 Key Strategies

    A user might swipe through a site on their smartphone at dawn and scroll on a laptop by dusk. This device dance demands a responsive web design that isn’t just attractive but adapts seamlessly. Ever experienced a jarring shift between mobile and desktop views? That’s the cross-device challenge staring back at you.   But, what…

  • SaaS UI Design: 8 Interesting designs from Top SaaS Platforms

    SaaS UI Design: 8 Interesting designs from Top SaaS Platforms

    Gone are the days of clunky enterprise software interfaces that lacked both style and usability. Today, SaaS UI design has evolved into something much more than just functionality – It’s about creating an immersive and delightful design interface experience for users.   In a highly competitive SaaS landscape, it’s crucial to make your platform stand…

  • 8 Conversion Rate Optimization Best Practices for eCommerce

    8 Conversion Rate Optimization Best Practices for eCommerce

    You put your heart and soul into creating the perfect online store—choosing products, designing a beautiful look, and crafting compelling words. Yet, visitors browse and leave, their virtual shopping carts abandoned. Frustrating, right?   This is the harsh reality for many eCommerce brands. At the same time, the answer to transforming website visitors into loyal,…

  • UX Design vs UX Research, Expert Guide to UX Consulting

    UX Design vs UX Research, Expert Guide to UX Consulting

    Hey, do you remember planning a road trip to an unknown destination? You have the desire to explore new places, but you’re unsure of the route or what awaits you along the way. In this journey, UX consulting is your trusted roadmap, guiding you through unknown user experiences.   UX Design and UX Research, the…