Reduce churn rate

How to Use UX Research to Reduce Churn Rate

Think about your customer base as a lively garden, full of vibrant blossoms and churn rate as the number of those blossoms deciding to take a stroll out of your garden. It’s like bidding farewell to some of those flowers within a specific timeframe.


Now, if you notice a sudden exodus of flowers, it’s like a red flag waving in the breeze, indicating something might be amiss – maybe the sunlight isn’t quite right, or the soil needs a little more love.


In simpler terms, the churn rate measures the percentage of customers who decide to explore other gardens, leaving you wondering what went wrong. Stay tuned as we unravel the secrets of this garden metaphor and how UX research becomes your trusty guide to maintaining a flourishing landscape and helping to reduce churn rate.


What is the Churn rate?

Churn rate, also known as user churn or customer churn, is a crucial metric that measures the percentage of customers or subscribers who stop using a company’s product or service within a specified period. It’s a critical indicator of a company’s ability to retain its customer base and reflects the overall health of its business.


Let’s understand it in an easy way!


The churn rate is a bit like changing your favorite ice cream flavor; it measures how many customers decide to try something new. In business, it indicates the percentage of customers leaving a product or a service. To reduce churn, make your “flavor” so appealing that customers stick around. On average, industries experience a 20% annual churn rate.


Our goal? Scoop out a smaller portion of goodbyes, creating a delightful and long-lasting relationship. Now that we have understood what Churn rate is, let’s learn how we can calculate this.


How to calculate the Churn Rate

Calculating churn rate is like measuring the pulse of your customer base – a vital sign for any business’s health. To reduce churn rate and keep your audience engaged, think of it as solving a puzzle. First, count how many customers left during a specific period (that’s the ones who bid farewell to your garden).


Then, divide that number by the total customers you had at the beginning. Multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage. Now, here’s where the magic happens – employ churn analytics.

user churn rate
Source: Hubspot


It’s necessary to have a trusty detective companion, to analyze patterns and clues behind departures. By deciphering this data puzzle, you uncover insights to nurture your garden better, reducing user churn and fostering a flourishing customer landscape. This simple formula provides a clear understanding of the percentage of customers who have stopped using your product or service, also known as user churn.


Analyzing churn analytics enables proactive measures to address pain points, enhance user experiences, and implement retention strategies – a data-driven approach to boosting customer loyalty.


So now you might have been thinking what is a good churn rate?

The ideal churn rate differs based on the type and niche of the business. Generally, a churn rate of 5% or lower is good, indicating that fewer than 5% of customers leave each month. A rate between 5% and 7% is acceptable but suggests room for improvement.


If the churn rate is 8% or more, it’s high, signaling potential problems with the product, service, or marketing. Now let us explore what causes a high churn rate.


Common Causes of High Churn Rate

Statistics show that 53% of all causes of customer churn are due to the first three leading causes. So let’s look at these causes first.


1. Poor onboarding experience

First impressions matter! If the onboarding process is confusing or time-consuming, it can lead to early churn. Businesses must focus on creating a smooth, user-friendly onboarding experience to make a positive impact and reduce churn rate.


So what’s a good onboarding process?

The perfect example of a good onboarding process is Strava, a popular fitness app, that serves as a social platform for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. It allows users to track and share their running and cycling activities, fostering a community of like-minded individuals.

strava's onboarding process

Image source: UX Cam


The app’s onboarding process ensures a smooth integration, enabling users to quickly start recording and sharing their fitness journeys. This user-friendly approach, combined with a personalized touch, contributes to a sense of community and active engagement within the Strava platform, ultimately reducing churn rates.


2. Poor product or service quality

When customers don’t love what they get, they’re more likely to leave. Whether it’s glitches, slow performance, or missing features, a subpar experience can trigger churn. Companies aiming to reduce churn rate must prioritize delivering top-notch quality to keep customers happy and engaged.


3. Failure to address customer feedback

Your customers have a voice, but it’s not just about hearing; it’s about actively listening. Ignoring their feedback can leave them feeling undervalued and ready to explore other options. Addressing customer feedback isn’t just a box to tick; it’s a cornerstone of churn analytics, showcasing your responsiveness and commitment to reducing user churn.


4. High pricing

Ever felt short-changed as a consumer? If customers believe they’re not getting sufficient value for their money, they might be tempted by more budget-friendly alternatives. To reduce user churn effectively, businesses need to thoughtfully evaluate pricing strategies, ensuring they offer undeniable value that keeps customers committed.


5. Ineffective marketing

If your marketing messages are missing the mark, you might be attracting the wrong crowd. Refining your targeting strategies is crucial for effective campaigns and avoiding users who aren’t an ideal fit.
This precision in marketing is a vital component of churn analytics, contributing significantly to reducing the churn rate.


6. Lack of customer support

Imagine feeling abandoned in a sea of unresponsive support. Long wait times, unhelpful staff, or limited support options can be significant contributors to churn. Prioritizing responsive and helpful customer support is more than a service; it’s a proactive measure to effectively reduce user churn and elevate overall satisfaction.


7. Changes to the product or service

Change can be unsettling, especially when unexpected. If customers aren’t adequately informed or perceive changes negatively, it can lead to churn. Open communication about updates and emphasizing positive aspects is not just about managing change; it’s a strategic move to reduce user churn during transitions.


8. Negative word-of-mouth

Remember, bad news travels fast. Negative user experiences lead to unhappy customers sharing their stories. To reduce churn rate, businesses must actively manage their reputation, addressing concerns promptly and ensuring positive word-of-mouth to counteract potential churn.


So these are the common causes of increasing churn rates that are experienced. Some measures can be taken to reduce the churn rate, but before jumping on to that, have you ever thought about how UX Design can help in this case? Let’s find out!


Connection Between User Experience and Churn Rates

User experience (UX) is like the mood of a conversation; it shapes how people feel during interactions with a product or service. A good UX considers users’ needs, preferences, and emotions, ensuring a positive and satisfying encounter with the product or service. It’s the key to happy and loyal customers.


Understanding the link between user experience (UX) and churn rates is pivotal for businesses aiming to reduce churn rates. When users encounter friction or dissatisfaction with a product or service, they’re more likely to contribute to the alarming statistics of user churn.


Through insightful churn analytics, designers play detective, diving into user interactions to spot pain points. Elevating the user experience becomes a strategic move to not only enhance satisfaction but crucially, to tackle and reduce churn rate proactively. It’s a symbiotic relationship – a seamless UX fosters loyalty, and loyalty is the antidote to user churn.


Key Metrics to Reduce Churn Rates with UX Research

We have figured out some key metrics that can be useful for reducing the churn rates. We have blended UX design and UX Research with the metrics resulting in certain accurate data points. So let’s look at some points.


1. User Satisfaction

Ensuring your users are not just satisfied but over the moon is a top priority in the quest to reduce churn rates. Consider your users as guests at a fabulous party—you want them to leave with smiles and eager to return. Regular surveys and feedback act as your event feedback forms, gauging their happiness levels.


Understanding their overall experience is like being the attentive host who not only hears but actively responds to their suggestions and preferences. This proactive approach builds a sturdy foundation for reducing churn rates, fostering not just satisfaction but long-term relationships akin to cherished friendships.


2. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric that gauges customer loyalty and satisfaction by asking a straightforward question: “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our product or service to others?”

Image source: Parative


Based on their responses, customers are categorized into three groups

  • Promoters (score 9-10)
  • Passives (score 7-8)
  • Detractors (score 0-6)


Let’s say that the Net Promoter Score (NPS) is the applause echoing through the theatre after a stellar performance. In the business world, it’s your customers clapping, cheering, and recommending your product or service. As you strive for a high NPS, you’re intricately weaving the fabric of customer loyalty, and in doing so, you’re taking giant strides in the journey to reduce churn rates.


3. Time to First Byte (TTFB)

Time to First Byte (TTFB) is a critical metric in web performance, measuring the time it takes for a user’s browser to receive the first byte of data from a web server after initiating a request. For instance, your website as a high-speed train, and Time to First Byte (TTFB) is the moment it accelerates. The quicker that first byte of data loads, the smoother the ride for your users.


It’s the digital red carpet, and fast-loading times are your VIP treatment—delighting users, minimizing frustration, and paving the way for a stellar user experience. As you prioritize swift TTFB, you’re not just ensuring speed; you’re actively contributing to the grand plan of reducing churn rates and securing a loyal passenger list.


4. Error Rate

Encountering errors is akin to stumbling upon potholes during a road trip. They disrupt the journey and frustrate users. By diligently tracking and fixing these technical glitches, you’re essentially filling in those potholes, ensuring a smooth and delightful digital journey for your users.


A good or bad error rate can vary depending on the context, type of application, and industry standards. However, in general, a low error rate is desirable. An error rate below 1% is often considered good, indicating a minimal impact on user experience. On the other hand, an error rate above 5% may be considered high and could lead to user frustration.


This meticulous attention to error reduction becomes a key driver in your strategy to minimize user frustration, enhance satisfaction, and ultimately, reduce churn rates.


5. Customer Support Interactions

Consider your customer support team as the frontline heroes in the battle against user churn. Through insightful mining of these interactions, you unveil recurring pain points and concerns. Proactively addressing these issues is akin to extending a helping hand, making users feel not just heard but genuinely valued.


This hands-on approach significantly contributes to your overarching mission of reducing churn rates. It’s about fostering a connection, providing solutions, and ensuring users embark on a positive journey with your product or service.


Role of UX Research in Reducing Churn Rates

Let’s talk about something that’s keeping businesses up at night: churn rate. It’s the nemesis of customer retention, the bane of long-term profitability. The secret weapon in your arsenal is UX Research. It will not be good if you’ve poured your heart and soul into creating an amazing product or service, but customers just aren’t sticking around.


They’re like fleeting butterflies, fluttering in and out of your business, leaving you with a trail of unanswered questions.


This is where UX research will have an impactful role! Your trusty sidekick in understanding user behavior and uncovering the hidden reasons behind churn. It’s like having a spy network within your customer base, providing insights into their thoughts, feelings, and frustrations.

UX Research in Reducing Churn Rates

Image source: Sessionstack


Imagine a world where you can predict which customers are at risk of churning before they even consider leaving. By analyzing user behavior, you can pinpoint patterns and trends that indicate a customer’s likelihood of heading for the exit.
UX research is about finding the problems of your users and providing possible solutions.


By understanding why customers are churning, you can design targeted interventions to address their concerns, improve their experience, and keep them coming back for more. So, embrace UX research, your trusty guide in the battle against churn. With its help, you’ll transform your customer retention strategy, reduce churn rates, and build a loyal customer base that will keep your business buzzing with success.


Best Practices in UX Research for Churn Reduction

1. Identify and prioritize churn risks

It is very crucial when it comes to reducing the churn rate. First, you got to focus on understanding your users and dentify the stalls (customer segments) most at risk of leaving and focus your attention there. Constantly check into the data bazaar, examining user behavior, feedback, and support interactions.


Detect patterns and trends as if searching for hidden treasures, revealing potential churn triggers. It’s a strategic map, guiding your journey to reduce churn rates and fortify customer loyalty.


2. Conduct user interviews and surveys

This major step of user interviews or surveys helps in gathering real-time feedback from the users. Gather insights through user interviews and surveys, creating a narrative rich in qualitative and quantitative data. It’s not just asking questions; it’s an artful dance, uncovering the motivations, frustrations, and expectations that shape user experiences.

Conducting User surveys

These candid conversations and survey responses are the vibrant colors on your palette, painting a vivid picture of user needs and desires. This personalized approach is your compass, navigating the seas of user churn toward the shores of enhanced satisfaction and reduced churn rates.


3. Analyze user task completion rates

Consider your digital domain as a collaborative workspace where users engage in purposeful activities. Track the efficiency of users as they accomplish vital tasks – the assignments in your online workplace. Identify spots where users face hitches or might abandon their workstations.


This process is akin to understanding the ebb and flow of user behavior, refining the usability of your product or service. Locate the sweet spots and rectify any stumbling blocks, fostering a productive and harmonious user experience. In the mission to diminish churn rates, each successfully completed task contributes to a workplace ambiance of user contentment.


4. Monitor user engagement metrics

Envision your digital realm as a dynamic marketplace, with users navigating through its diverse stalls. Immerse yourself in the metrics, deciphering the pulse of user interactions. Focusing on key engagement metrics is pivotal in reducing user churn. Let’s learn the three crucial indicators that illuminate the user experience landscape.


Session Duration

Session duration measures the time users spend navigating your platform. Longer sessions often indicate higher engagement, showcasing user interest and satisfaction. To reduce churn rate, aim for extended, meaningful interactions.


Page Views

Keep a close eye on the number of pages users explore during a session. Higher page views signify active exploration, indicating users find value across your platform. Consistently optimizing content and features can positively impact page views and, subsequently, reduce churn.


Bounce Rates

Bounce rates spotlight the percentage of users who leave your site after viewing only one page. Elevated bounce rates may signal dissatisfaction or a mismatch between expectations and reality. Minimizing bounce rates through targeted improvements can contribute significantly to lowering user churn.


Monitoring these metrics empowers businesses to tailor strategies, fostering a more engaging user experience and, ultimately, reducing churn rates.


5. Gather feedback from churned customers

Consider your digital realm as a dynamic marketplace, where users move like patrons exploring stalls. For those who’ve taken a different path, extend a virtual handshake. Engage in digital exit interviews or surveys, creating a conversational space to unveil their departure stories.


It’s related to gathering tales from the market square, each narrative providing valuable insights. This personalized approach humanizes the departure, contributing to a narrative that shapes future digital experiences.


6. Use churn analytics tools

Visualize your digital landscape as an intricate map with concealed routes. Churn analytics tools serve as your digital compass, unveiling the imprints left by users on this virtual terrain. Analyzing and interpreting the patterns that foreshadow user journeys.


These tools act as digital pathfinders, guiding your focus in UX research toward areas with the most unpredictable trails. Let’s look at some amazing Churn Analytics Tool!



GainSight is a comprehensive churn analytics platform that provides businesses with a holistic view of their customer data. It helps businesses identify churn risks, prioritize interventions, and track the impact of their efforts. GainSight is used by some of the world’s biggest companies.



ChurnZero is another popular churn analytics platform that is known for its predictive capabilities. It uses machine learning to analyze customer data and vitally predict which customers are at high risk of churn. ChurnZero also provides businesses with a number of tools to help them intervene and reduce churn, such as personalized messaging and targeted offers.



Baremetrics is a subscription analytics platform that also has churn analytics capabilities. It provides businesses with a clear view of their subscription metrics, including churn rate, monthly recurring revenue (MRR), and lifetime value (LTV). Baremetrics also provides businesses with insights into the factors that are driving churn, such as pricing, product features, and customer support.


7. Conduct user usability testing

Step into the shoes of your users, experiencing your product or service in a controlled digital environment. Through user usability testing, observe their journey, uncovering nuances of usability issues and pain points.


It’s like a virtual walkthrough, revealing insights to craft targeted enhancements that elevate the user interface and overall experience. Think of it as a collaborative effort between designers and users, refining the digital landscape for optimal usability and satisfaction.


8. Iterate and refine based on findings

Visualize your digital presence as a dynamic canvas, not a static image. Embrace a continuous cycle of UX research, where insights guide iterative refinements. Each iteration is a brushstroke, enhancing the masterpiece.


The insights gleaned act as a compass, directing improvements that transform your digital space into an ever-evolving, captivating experience. It’s not just about refining; it’s about ensuring your digital creation resonates with users, diminishing the chances of them seeking alternatives.


9. Foster a culture of user-centered design

Cultivate a workplace culture where user needs are the heartbeat of product development. It’s more than incorporating UX research; it’s about infusing every stage of the process with user-centricity. Picture it as a collective endeavor, where each team member is an architect of an empathetic digital realm.

Image source: Agente Studio


Prioritize user feedback like precious gems, weaving them into the decision-making fabric.


This cultural shift is akin to creating a digital haven, where users feel heard, valued, and integral to the evolution of your product. It’s a transformative journey, sculpting loyalty, and minimizing churn rates organically.
So these are the best practices you can follow to reduce the churn rate eventually and also improve the user experience.


Explore the transformative power of UX with Procreator Design. Beyond churn rates, discover the artistry of user-centric design. Unleash the potential of your website with our global design prowess. Ready for a design experience that goes beyond aesthetics? Join hands with ProCreator Design – where innovation meets impact.


In the ever-evolving landscape of customer retention, our digital design agency stands as your beacon for crafting unparalleled user experiences. Join hands with us to not just reduce churn rates but to foster a digital haven where users feel heard, valued, and integral to the evolution of your product. Let’s create a lasting impact together!



A high churn rate is bad, typically above 5-7%, signaling potential issues impacting customer retention.

UX Research unveils insights into user behavior, guiding interventions to improve satisfaction and reduce churn.

Kanika Khurana

Make your mark with Great UX