Amey Patil

Amey Patil
  • The Ultimate Product Roadmap Guide with Expert Advice

    The Ultimate Product Roadmap Guide with Expert Advice

    Ever felt like your product roadmap is stuck in a feedback loop from heck? Brainstormed killer ideas, assembled a dream team, and stockpiled features like a squirrel with acorns?   But where do you even start building? How can you guarantee your product evolves alongside user needs while still conquering your business goals?   This…

  • 21+ SaaS Website Design Ideas and Inspirations for 2024

    21+ SaaS Website Design Ideas and Inspirations for 2024

    The SaaS industry thrives on innovation. To stay ahead of the curve, crafting a visually appealing and user-centric website is crucial. This comprehensive guide explores 21+ SaaS web design ideas and draws inspiration from the best SaaS sites.   Within these pages, you’ll discover the latest trends that are shaping the industry. We’ll delve into…

  • 7-Step Guide to Mobile App Wireframe [6+ GPT Prompts]

    7-Step Guide to Mobile App Wireframe [6+ GPT Prompts]

    AI is revolutionizing the mobile app design process, especially during the wireframing stage. It streamlines the creation of wireframes, allowing for rapid prototyping and iterations based on user feedback. Did you know, that AI-powered tools can automatically convert sketches into digital wireframes, suggest layout improvements, and even predict user navigation paths?   This not only…

  • AI in Graphic Design: New Creative Era

    AI in Graphic Design: New Creative Era

    The year was 1985. Mike, a gifted graphic designer, sat at his desk, meticulously crafting designs using pen and paper. Each curve, each shade, was the result of hours of contemplation, and, sometimes, several crumpled drafts. Fast forward to today, and imagine Mike’s astonishment when presented with the power of AI in Graphic Design.  …

  • What Makes a Good Website UX Great: UX 101

    What Makes a Good Website UX Great: UX 101

    What makes a good website UX great? This question is always pondered in every business’s way where websites create the first impression. Any website’s motive is to sell a product or service.   But have you ever thought about how UX plays a vital role in achieving the goal efficiently? That’s where a great website…

  • Top 6 AI tools for Web Design in 2024

    Top 6 AI tools for Web Design in 2024

    The fusion of artificial intelligence with website design isn’t just a fleeting trend—it’s the dawn of a transformative era. As the boundaries of innovation extend, the use of AI tools for web design is reshaping our understanding of creativity, efficiency, and user experience.   Today, AI-powered tools have taken center stage, offering designers the rare…

  • The UX Design Process: Basics to Mastery

    The UX Design Process: Basics to Mastery

    In today’s digital age, where user expectations shift with every technological advancement, the UX design process emerges as a crucial cornerstone in creating digital products.   The importance of UX design in modern product development cannot be overstated. It’s not just about crafting a good-looking interface; it’s about ensuring the 5 Key Steps in the…

  • Best 7 AI Tools for Graphic Design in 2024

    Best 7 AI Tools for Graphic Design in 2024

    Imagine a painter in front of a canvas, palette in hand, contemplating the perfect blend of colors and textures. But what if this painter had a muse whispering in their ear, suggesting which hues could capture the sunlight just so, or which strokes could bring a landscape to life?   In 2024, this is not…