Website UX 101

What Makes a Good Website UX Great: UX 101

What makes a good website UX great? This question is always pondered in every business’s way where websites create the first impression. Any website’s motive is to sell a product or service.


But have you ever thought about how UX plays a vital role in achieving the goal efficiently? That’s where a great website comes into the picture. A great website goes beyond good looks. It is an intuitive guide and an engaging storyteller to the users.


With each click a well-crafted website UX can lead users on a journey that not only meets their needs but exceeds their expectations. So let’s dive into this blog by understanding the main foundation of an Exceptional Website UX Design.


Foundations of Exceptional Website UX Design

The foundation of exceptional UX Design revolves around creating a functional and delightful website experience. At its core, exceptional UX is simply a deep understanding of users and creating a user journey that feels intuitive and seamless.
Designers should prioritize clarity, speed, and meaningful engagement to deliver a great user experience.

website ux design

This involves user-centric design strategies that focus on usability, accessibility, and pleasure in interaction. The best UX sites are those that tell a story, by guiding users toward their goals, making every click and scroll feel natural, and guiding the user to actually become a designer.


Why Good UX Matters and Bad UX Can’t Be Ignored

Good UX emphasizes the critical role of user experience (UX) in determining a website’s success or failure. Good UX boosts the credibility of the website which provides a seamless experience to the users who meet their goals with intuitive navigation and engaging content. Research from Forrester states that good UX of a website can have up to 200% higher conversion rate than the sites with bad UX.


Signs of a Good UX

Good UX is nothing but a good user experience. Good UX encompasses everything from the initial interaction, like navigating a website, to the final outcome, like completing a purchase or achieving a goal. Let’s see a few examples through which we can identify the signs of good UX of any website.


Ease of Use

A well-designed website interface should be easy to use, even for first-time users. Users should be able to find what they need easily and should have a seamless overall experience.



Good UX helps users complete their tasks quickly and efficiently. The website should minimize the number of clicks or steps required to complete a task and make sure that all of the information and functionality that users need is readily available.



Good UX should also be enjoyable to use. Paying attention to the small details like the visual design, animations, and micro-interactions makes the experience as pleasant as possible.



A well-designed interface should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities. This means making sure that the interface is compatible with different assistive technologies, such as screen readers, and that it is easy to use for people with disabilities.



Good UX keeps users engaged and coming back for more. Users should find the interface visually appealing, informative, and interactive.


On the other side, bad UX is like a roadblock to the information that a user seeks in any interface. If user’s choices are abundant, they won’t hesitate to leave a site that doesn’t prioritize their experience.

Bad UX vs Good UX

Image source: Pinterest


Signs of Bad UX

Bad UX refers to any aspect of a user’s interaction with a product or service that creates frustration or makes the experience bad. It comprises a wide range of issues, from confusing navigation and clunky interfaces to unintuitive workflows and visually jarring designs. Let’s see some examples so that we can identify a bad UX of any website.


High Bounce Rates

If analytics show that users are leaving your site quickly after arriving, it’s a sign they’re not finding what they need or are frustrated by the user experience.


Confusing Navigation

Users should find it easy to navigate your site or app. Complex, unclear, or inconsistent navigation structures that confuse users are a major red flag.


Slow Load Times

In our fast-paced digital world, users expect quick load times. Slow-loading pages can lead to frustration and user abandonment.


Lack of Mobile Optimization

With the increasing use of smartphones, a site or app that isn’t optimized for mobile devices delivers a poor UX.


Overwhelming or Cluttered Design

A cluttered interface with too many elements, overwhelming colors, or excessive text can confuse and deter users.


Therefore, investing in great user experience is not just a nice-to-have; it’s a necessity for any website aiming to thrive in the competitive online landscape.


6 Factors That Make a Great Website UX

1. The Visual Appeal: Aesthetics in UX Design

In any of the website UX, the aesthetic appeal of the UI plays a pivotal role in providing a great user experience. Good website UX creates an environment where users feel comfortable and engaged. A visually appealing site can make the difference between a fleeting visit and a lasting impression.


This can involve intuitive color schemes, layouts, and high-quality visuals that resonate with the website’s purpose. When users land on aesthetically pleasing sites, they’re more likely to explore and interact with the content.
However, it’s crucial to balance beauty with functionality; the best UX sites masterfully blend attractive design with intuitive navigation and clear messaging.


The Headspace website shows exceptional UX and aesthetics with its clean, inviting layout. The bright color palette radiates positivity, aligning with the brand’s focus on mental well-being. The interface feels intuitive and user-friendly which ensures a pleasant navigational experience.


2. Navigability and Information Architecture

Proper navigation and information architecture are the backbone of any website UX. A good website is about creating a roadmap that visitors can navigate intuitively, like a well-organized library where every book is exactly where you expect it to be.


A great website is a site with clear headings, logical page hierarchies, and easy-to-follow menus that allow users to find relevant information. For example, incorporating breadcrumbs and search functionalities further streamlines navigation, ensuring even the newest visitors can explore with ease.


Websites like Amazon and Google set the benchmark for such structures, leading to a great user experience where users keep coming back. When a website’s architecture is meticulously crafted, it not only elevates usability but also solidifies its reputation as a user-centric platform in the competitive digital space.


3. Responsive Design: Catering to Diverse Audiences

Responsive design is a way of building a website that seamlessly adapts to different screen sizes and devices, from tiny phone screens to massive desktop monitors. It ensures that any user can navigate through the website regardless of their choice of device.

Responsive Design

Image source: Airbnb


A responsive site dynamically adjusts to screen sizes, providing a consistent user experience. This adaptability not only boosts user engagement but also contributes to a website’s UX ranking, as seen in the best UX sites like Dropbox and Airbnb. They exemplify how fluid layouts and mobile-friendly designs retain user interest, making their platforms a pleasure to use anytime, anywhere.


4. Loading Speeds and Performance

Loading speed is the time of the website to get fully loaded on the device. Quick loading times set the tempo for a great user experience, ensuring users stay tuned instead of tuning out. Low loading speed is the major reason for high bounce rates on any website.


Top UX sites understand that performance is the key—every second counts in retaining a visitor’s attention. Superior website performance leads to a deeper engagement with the user which makes each visit smooth and efficient. Investing in speed optimization catapults your site to the ranks of the best UX sites.


5. Content Strategy for Engaging Experiences

Crafting an effective content strategy is the secret sauce for websites aiming at providing their audience with a great user experience. The art lies in seamlessly blending informative and engaging content that educates and resonates with your audience.


We can say that content on any website is a guide map for users to grasp the information. The content plays a vital role in strategically guiding users to perform various tasks on the website. Compelling narratives, user-friendly interfaces, and a well-thought-out content strategy ensure that every element contributes to the overall success of your website UX.


6. Accessibility for Inclusive Experiences

Accessibility in website UX is a great practice. It’s the beacon of inclusivity, ensuring that everyone, regardless of ability, can navigate and enjoy the full spectrum of experiences. The best UX sites are those that embrace diversity with open arms, offering tools like screen readers, keyboard navigation, and alternative text for images.


Curating a great user experience with accessibility is dismantling every barrier and creating a welcoming space for all. Accessibility ensures that the main goal of the website reaches a wider range of users. Prioritizing accessibility helps to get ranked among the best UX sites and it stands as a testament to your brand’s values and commitment to provide a great user experience.


The Psychology of User Behavior

Diving into the psychology of user behavior unlocks the secrets to a great user experience, it’s a vital ingredient for any best UX site. It’s crucial to understand the “why” behind user actions—what draws their attention, what can possibly trigger a click, or prompt a decision.

psychology of user behaviour

Image source: User Behavior


Tapping into behavioral patterns, website UX can be optimized to guide users naturally by creating a frictionless and satisfying interaction. This psychological insight shapes everything from color schemes that evoke the right emotions to layouts that cater to intuitive navigation.


Designers can make things look pretty, but it is also important to create a connection between users and the website that resonates on a deeper level. When a site can anticipate needs and respond in kind, that’s where we can achieve a true user satisfaction.


AI in Website Design

Incorporating AI into website design is the key to unlocking new heights of possibilities for providing great UX. You can imagine AI can be a virtual design assistant who is working behind the scenes of a website.


Continuously analyzing user behaviors, and adjusting elements for optimal engagement. AI brings the promise of personalized and adaptive interfaces tailoring the user experience according to individual preferences. AI can be a game-changer for websites that will look stunning and provide a seamless user journey.

AI in Design

Harnessing the power of AI in website UX can be very helpful in creating intuitive, responsive, and anticipatory interfaces that elevate the overall user experience, making your site stand out from the competition.


A great website is a shining beacon that guides users to their destination with ease and delight. It’s an amalgamation of thoughtful design, swift performance, and compelling content, all working in harmony to create a stellar user experience. Invest in a website UX that captivates, connects, and converts, ensuring that your digital handshake leaves a lasting impression.


Making your digital presence awesome is what we do best! As a top UX UI design agency in Mumbai, we create experiences that people love, boost satisfaction, save costs, and make your brand shine!



To create a great website, focus on user-centric design, ensure it’s responsive, load efficiently, has quality content, and provides a seamless user journey.

Improve a website’s UX by streamlining navigation, optimizing for speed, making it accessible, gathering user feedback, and continuously testing and updating the design.

Amey Patil

Make your mark with Great UX