UX in Banking

Transforming UX in Banking Industry

Digital transformation is more than a buzzword, the banking industry can’t afford to stay in the past. User experience (UX) has moved from a luxury to a necessary investment for survival and growth. The narrative has changed, and so have the expectations. So, let’s dive in to understand why UX in the banking sector isn’t just a trend—it’s a revolution.


The UX in the banking industry is at a crossroads between traditional methods and the urgent need to modernize. With the proliferation of digital wallets, UPIs, card payments, and mobile banking, the question is not whether to adapt but how quickly they can adapt. The answer lies in providing an exceptional User Experience (UX). Don Norman, who coined the term’ User Experience,’ emphasized that UX encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with the company, its services, and its products. And in the banking industry, this is more relevant than ever.


The Digital Surge: UX Stats That Will Make You Think

  • According to Citi Mobile Banking Study, 91% of users prefer mobile banking over going to a branch.
  • As per Bankrate, About 27% of Americans use an online-only bank.
  • According to the 2021 Digital Banking Report from Mobiquity, 46% of respondents under 55 years old indicated that they would switch banks to get better digital features.


The numbers don’t lie. They underline the evolving nature of consumer behavior and the pressing need for better ux in banking sector.


Importance of UX in Banking: It’s Not Just a ‘Nice-to-Have’ Anymore


Trust Meets Innovation



While Fintech platforms offer agile and sleek solutions, they often lack the security infrastructure that banks have built over decades.


Banks should aim to combine this deep-rooted trust with cutting-edge UX design, making it easier for the customer to navigate while ensuring utmost security. For example, biometric authentication could add an extra layer of security without compromising the user experience.


Customer Retention: UX is the New Loyalty Program

Positive User Feedback


Millennials and Gen Z have high expectations for digital experiences and are quick to jump ship if those expectations aren’t met.



Adopt features that resonate with this audience, like instant customer service chatbots or financial health trackers integrated into your app. Such features don’t just meet functional needs but also emotionally engage the user.


Streamlining Processes for Time-Poor Customers



In the fast-paced world, time is of the essence. With the paperwork and queueing, traditional banking services are seen as time-consuming.



Introduce smarter KYC procedures and allow customers to complete all requirements online, with real-time updates and validations. For instance, some banks now use AI to scan and verify documents instantly.


Financial Literacy: Empowering the User



Most people find banking jargon and concepts overwhelming, which could lead to poor financial decisions.



Banks could introduce interactive educational modules or simple tooltips explaining common financial terms. The aim is to facilitate transactions and educate the user, making them more financially savvy.


Enhanced Personalization: Know Your User



A one-size-fits-all approach can alienate users who feel their unique needs are not being addressed.



Use AI and machine learning to analyze customer data and offer personalized advice, investment suggestions, or promotional offers. Instead of generic monthly statements, provide a comprehensive financial dashboard with which the user can interact.



UX Design Focus Areas for Banks

ux design for banks

Emotional and Psychological Design

Money is deeply connected to emotions. Whether it’s the joy of receiving a paycheck or the stress tied to bills, financial platforms need to address this emotional quotient. For instance, providing insights into spending habits or future planning can alleviate stress and inspire action.


Inclusivity Matters

The banking apps must be accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. This expands your user base and ensures you’re not excluding a significant portion of the population.


Security: A Non-Negotiable Aspect

With increasing cyber threats, your platform’s UX must integrate top-notch security features. This means biometric logins, secure OTPs, and end-to-end encrypted transactions.


Solve Both The User’s Problem and the Banks’

Most banks have come a long way, but still, their apps are designed in favor of the bank and not the customers. People working for banks deal with finances daily and clearly understand how finances work, but the same doesn’t hold for the end-users; for them, banking is a complex and often confusing task. Banks need to empathize more with their users and design apps that help the bank and teach their customers how to make smarter financial decisions. People want to see more than just their balance and transactions; they want to know where to invest their money and how much they can safely spend. A banking app doesn’t need to have all these features, but such added features set you apart from your competition and keep the customer satisfied.


How ProCreator Can Help Transform Your Banking UX

Implementing efficient UX in banking industry requires a deep understanding of both technology and customer behavior, and this is where ProCreator shines. We don’t just offer services; we offer solutions tailor-made to address the specific challenges faced by the banking industry. Here’s how:


Seamless Experience with ProCreator’s UX/UI Design

You have the trust, and we have the design-solving skills to retain that trust in the digital space. Our approach to UX and UI design isn’t merely cosmetic. We delve into customer behavior analytics to design intuitive interfaces that resonate with your target demographic, enhancing user satisfaction and trust.


Accelerated Digital Transformation

In a digital-first world, traditional banks often struggle with legacy systems. ProCreator’s expertise in digital transformation can help you smoothly transition from outdated systems to agile, customer-centric platforms without affecting your day-to-day operations.

ux in banking

UX Research and Audit for Actionable Insights

Our comprehensive UX Research and UX Audit services come bundled with invaluable data-driven insights. We help you dig deep into the psychology and behavior of your customers, analyzing their needs, frustrations, and loyalty triggers. This isn’t just a sprinkling of data; it’s a meticulously curated set of actionable insights that can inform your UX strategies, ultimately helping you deliver a banking experience that’s functional and deeply resonant with your target audience.


Content Strategy that Educates and Engages

We recognize that a truly effective banking app or website should do more than just transactions; it should educate the user. Our content strategists can help you create easy-to-understand resources and tooltips that demystify banking jargon and processes, ultimately empowering your customers.


Ongoing Support and Iteration

Even after your improved UX design is live, ProCreator doesn’t just walk away. We can work with you for continuous A/B testing and feature updates, ensuring that your digital services are aligned with your customers’ current needs and exceed customer expectations over time.


In the current landscape, where customer expectations continually evolve, banks can’t afford to lag in the UX department. ProCreator offers you a partnership, not just a service. We’re committed to continuously evolving and adapting to keep you ahead of the UX curve in the banking industry. Reach out to ProCreator today and start your journey toward an unparalleled banking experience for your customers.



UX is vital in banking to enhance user trust, streamline operations, and retain customers. Positive experiences increase user satisfaction and promote consistent app usage.

Ethical issues of e-banking include data privacy concerns, fair accessibility for all users, transparent transaction fees, and ensuring unbiased AI algorithms in financial assessments.

Kanika Khurana

Make your mark with Great UX