UX Design

Prerna Bagree
  • Dashboard Design: 7 Step Guide for Intuitive Dashboard

    Dashboard Design: 7 Step Guide for Intuitive Dashboard

    Imagine walking into a quaint bookstore. The scent of bound paper fills the air, and rows of books, each a universe of its own, line the shelves. You’re handed two books, both promising to unravel the same compelling tale. However, there’s a stark difference in their presentation. Just like comparing dashboard design, their covers set…

  • Creating User Personas: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Creating User Personas: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Art and design are subjective, and different people will respond to them in different ways based on their feelings, likings, and values. While designing a website/application, making a product, or planning a marketing campaign, it is necessary to understand the target audience. It allows us to have a focused approach and accomplish desired goals.  …

  • How to find the best UX Design Agency?

    How to find the best UX Design Agency?

    Navigating the digital landscape can be akin to navigating a maze. You know there’s a rewarding finish, but the path to get there is intricate and complex. What if you had a guide, a seasoned explorer of this digital maze, who could lead you straight to your goal?   That’s what a proficient UX design…

  • How Significant is UX Design for Your Business?

    How Significant is UX Design for Your Business?

    How much time do you spend on your mobile, tablet, or PC? Does the Interaction feel unusual? A study by Vivo and conducted by CMR said the average time spent on smartphones in a day is 5.5 hours in March 2020 (pre-COVID) from about 4.9 hours on average in 2019. We are accustomed to using…