Rajat Bagree

Rajat Bagree
  • 5 Must-Know Color Theory Hacks For Attractive Graphic Design

    5 Must-Know Color Theory Hacks For Attractive Graphic Design

    Color is one of the essential elements in the field of design. It can provoke, evoke, and stir the emotions in humans. But the catch is to use them cautiously, and the interface should be in visual harmony with other elements. Different colors stimulate different kinds of emotions. It is essential to understand the role…

  • Color Psychology: Understanding How Colors Affect Your Users

    Color Psychology: Understanding How Colors Affect Your Users

    We look at the color red, and the first thing that comes into our mind is- danger and warning. Color affects mood and generates emotions. Learning about color psychology is all about looking up for meaning, and perceptions that people make and have for different colors. Understanding Warm and Cool Colors Colors can be broadly…

  • Upselling Techniques: 8 Strategic UX Tips & Tricks

    Upselling Techniques: 8 Strategic UX Tips & Tricks

    Let’s be honest, the term “upselling” often produces images of pushy salespeople and guilt-loaded purchases. But what if I told you there’s a way to upsell techniques that not only boost your bottom line by 10-30% on average but also leave customers feeling valued and happy? That’s the magic we’ve discovered through the power of…

  • Design Consistency: Bridging UX Gaps across Products

    Design Consistency: Bridging UX Gaps across Products

    From that first enticing ad that captures your interest to a streamlined checkout process, the digital journey should be like a finely composed symphony – each note precisely in its place. A sudden change in layout, a misplaced button, or perhaps an inconsistent color scheme that feels out of place?   These discrepancies, though seemingly…

  • What is ChatGPT? Everything you need to know

    What is ChatGPT? Everything you need to know

    Within the constantly evolving realm of artificial intelligence, a novel entrant has surfaced, reshaping the dynamics of interaction between machines and people. Enter ChatGPT, What is ChatGPT? A harmonious blend of cutting-edge technology and linguistic prowess, promising more than just programmed responses. It’s not just another AI; it’s a window into the future of human-machine…

  • AI in Design: Best Tools and Techniques for Designers

    AI in Design: Best Tools and Techniques for Designers

    A child’s innocent question once in a famed art museum hung in the air, ‘What if Picasso had AI tools? This seemingly simple query lingered in the mind, invoking visions of timeless artists working on digital canvases, their brushes replaced with algorithms. This delightful fusion of the past and present is no longer a distant…

  • Write for Us – Design, Development and AI

    Write for Us – Design, Development and AI

    Hello Design enthusiasts! We are ProCreator and we’re elated to open our doors for all UI/UX Design, Web Design, Graphic Design, Web Development, AI, and other digital design aficionados out there to share their expertise on our platform. But, before you hastily jump into drafting that superb post, wait up! We have some insightful details…

  • Using Emotional Design in UX

    Using Emotional Design in UX

    Everything around us is designed, and they create emotions in us. We feel happy, annoyed, frustrated, like, dislike, etc. Most of us have used Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat, and the common element between them is that these apps evoke both positive and negative emotions in people, mostly positive.   They give a dopamine hit to…

  • Psychology of Colors in Marketing & Branding

    Psychology of Colors in Marketing & Branding

    How many times have you stepped into an outlet just because of the flashy colors or the color combination that attracted you? Many times we believe.   Color Psychology is the art and study of how colors affect human perception, behavior, and decision-making ability. Studies have shown that colors play an essential role in influencing…