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UX Design for Fintech: Top Design Trends in 2024

Remember the days when managing your finances felt like filling out endless paperwork in a bank branch? Thankfully, the world of finance is undergoing a design revolution, led by UX design for fintech. A recent study found that 73% of people would switch banks for a better digital experience.


This statistic underscores the growing significance of fintech UX design, which prioritizes creating intuitive, user-friendly, and secure experiences for financial applications and services.

UX design for fintech

As user expectations continue to rise, fintech product development teams are embracing innovative trends to deliver seamless and engaging experiences. In this blog post, we’ll explore key fintech UX design trends shaping the future of financial applications in 2024.


The Evolution of Fintech UX Design is about moving from frustration to frictionless experiences. This blog post will dive into the exciting trends shaping the future of financial technology.


So, as we stand at the crossroads of innovation and user experience, let’s uncover how they’re set to transform the way we interact with financial technology.

The Evolution of Fintech UX Design

Fintech UX design focuses on creating user experiences (UX) that are not only functional but also intuitive, user-friendly, and secure for financial applications and services. This wasn’t always the case.


Traditionally, fintech web design prioritized technical functionality over user experience. A study found that 70% of online businesses fail due to bad interface design and usability. The result? Frustrated users struggle to understand complex interfaces and complete basic tasks.


This all started to change with the rise of mobile banking and challenger banks. These new players in the financial game understood the importance of the UX design process for fintech. They embraced the latest UX trends, prioritizing user needs and creating fintech design that was not only functional but also delightful to use.

Mobile Banking

The impact has been undeniable. Studies show that well-designed fintech apps can lead to increased user engagement, improved customer satisfaction, and even higher adoption rates. But what exactly makes a good fintech UX design? Let’s find out the Key UX design for fintech trends.


Key Fintech UX Design Trends in 2024

The world of finance is evolving rapidly, and UX design for fintech is at the forefront of this transformation. As user expectations continue to rise, fintech product development teams are embracing innovative new trends to create seamless and engaging experiences. Let’s explore some of the key fintech UX design trends shaping the future of financial applications in 2024


1] Developing a chatbot feature

Imagine having a friendly and helpful assistant readily available to answer your financial questions 24/7. Chatbots powered by AI are becoming increasingly popular in fintech apps, offering users a convenient and personalized way to:


  • Get instant answers to frequently asked questions about their accounts, transactions, and financial products.
  • Resolve simple issues without needing to wait on hold for customer service.
  • Schedule appointments or request assistance with specific tasks.


Several leading financial institutions have implemented chatbot features that allow users to perform various tasks through a conversational interface.


Here are some specific examples of how chatbots are being used in leading financial institutions:

  • Bank of America’s Erica: This chatbot allows users to check balances, transfer funds, pay bills, and even track their spending habits.

Bank of America's Erica

Image source: Fintech futures


  • JPMorgan Chase’s JPM chatbot: This AI assistant helps users with tasks like managing accounts, making payments, and getting account information.
  • Charles Schwab’s Intelligent Assistant: This chatbot provides personalized investment advice, answers questions about investment products, and helps users manage their portfolios.


2] Gamification & Rewards System

Let’s face it, managing finances can sometimes feel like a chore. UX design for fintech is leveraging the power of gamification to make financial tasks more engaging and rewarding.


This involves incorporating game-like elements such as points, badges, and leaderboards to motivate users to:

  • Complete financial goals, like saving for a specific purpose or paying off debt.
  • Develop healthy financial habits, such as regularly checking their budget or making timely payments.


For example, Google Pay utilizes gamification by offering users “scratch cards” with a chance to win rewards for completing everyday tasks like making payments or sending money to friends. This element of surprise and potential gain motivates users to engage with the app more frequently, fostering healthy financial habits.

Gpay's Gamification & Rewards System

Image source: Alien


Additionally, Google Pay integrates a “streak” system, rewarding users with badges for consecutive days of using the app, further encouraging consistent financial management.


3] Different Biometric Technologies

Security is paramount when it comes to fintech design. Latest UX trends are incorporating different biometric technologies to offer users more secure and convenient ways to access their accounts and verify transactions.


This may include:

  • Fingerprint scanning
  • Facial recognition
  • Voice authentication


These technologies not only enhance security but also provide a faster and more seamless user experience compared to traditional password-based authentication methods. For example, Apple Pay leverages facial recognition through Face ID for secure and convenient contactless payments.


Apple pay's face id

Source: Apple pay


4] Data Visualization

Numbers can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to finances. Fintech UX designers are increasingly focusing on data visualization to help users understand their financial data in a clear and actionable way.


This involves using charts, graphs, and other visual elements to:

  • Track spending patterns and identify areas where they can save money.
  • Monitor investment performance and make informed financial decisions.
  • Gain insights into their overall financial health.


For example, the investment platform Groww utilizes data visualization extensively. Their app allows users to view their portfolio performance through interactive charts and graphs, making it easier to understand investment trends and make informed decisions.

Groww's Data Visualization

Additionally, KredX, a platform for buying and selling distressed debt, uses clear pie charts and bar graphs to visualize loan details and risk profiles, allowing users to make well-informed investment choices.

5] Voice and Conversational Interfaces

The rise of smart speakers and virtual assistants has led to a growing demand for voice and conversational interfaces in fintech apps. This allows users to manage their finances hands-free using natural language commands.


This can be particularly beneficial for:

  • Users on the go who want to check their balance or transfer funds without having to open their phone app.
  • Visually impaired users may find it challenging to navigate traditional interfaces.


For example, JPMorgan Chase allows users to check their account balance, transfer funds, and pay bills using voice commands through their Amazon Alexa skill.

JP morgan

6] Inclusive and Accessible Design

UX design for fintech in 2024 recognizes the importance of creating inclusive and accessible experiences for all users. This involves designing interfaces that are usable by individuals with disabilities, such as:


  • Visually impaired users by incorporating features like screen readers and high-contrast color schemes.
  • Hearing impaired users by providing captions for videos and transcripts for audio content.


For example, PayPal demonstrates its commitment to accessibility by incorporating several features:

  • Screen Reader Compatibility: The app is compatible with popular screen readers like VoiceOver and TalkBack, allowing visually impaired users to navigate the interface and access information through audio cues.
  • High Contrast Mode: Users can activate a high-contrast theme within the settings menu. This increases the color contrast between text and background elements, improving readability for users with visual impairments.
  • Keyboard Navigation: The app interface is fully navigable using the keyboard, enabling users who cannot use a mouse to perform actions like sending and receiving payments, managing accounts, and accessing transaction history.
  • Descriptive Labels and Error Messages: Clear and concise labels explain the purpose of each button or feature, while informative error messages guide users in resolving any issues they encounter.


Paypal's accessibility feature

Image source: Paypal


By prioritizing these features and strategically placing them within the app, PayPal strives to create an inclusive experience for all users, regardless of their abilities.


Through continuous improvement and adherence to accessibility best practices, FinTech companies like PayPal can ensure their platforms are truly accessible and cater to a broader audience seeking financial services.


By creating inclusive and accessible interfaces, fintech apps can cater to a wider audience and ensure everyone has equal access to financial services.


While these trends offer exciting possibilities, it’s crucial to remember that successful UX design for fintech goes beyond just incorporating trendy features.


In the next section, we’ll delve into some key steps in the UX design process specifically for fintech products, ensuring that your app not only looks good but also meets the unique needs and challenges of the financial landscape.


5 Things to consider when designing for fintech

Designing for the fintech sector is no small feat. With the blend of finance and technology moving faster than ever, UX design in this space requires a keen understanding of not just design principles but also the unique needs of fintech users.


Let’s dive into the five critical things to consider when looking into fintech UX design.


Simplify User Journeys

First off, fintech isn’t always easy to navigate for the average user. Complex financial terms and processes can quickly become overwhelming. That’s where simplifying user journeys in UX design for fintech makes all the difference.


Think fewer steps to complete transactions, streamlined navigation, and clear, concise information. Simplifying these paths not only improves usability but can significantly reduce user frustration, enhancing overall satisfaction.


Prioritize Security Transparency

With fintech, trust is everything. Users need to feel confident that their financial data is in safe hands. This is where prioritizing security transparency in UX design for fintech comes into play. It’s not just about having top-notch security measures in place; it’s about making these measures known and understandable to your users.


Inform them about the encryption standards you use, how their data is protected, and what security protocols are in place. A transparent approach to security can bolster user trust and credibility in your fintech solution.


Optimize for Quick Loading Times

Speed is of the essence in the digital world. Users expect rapid responses and even a slight delay can lead to frustration and, worse, abandonment. Optimizing for quick loading times ensures that your fintech application provides a smooth, efficient user experience.


According to a study, a 1-second delay in mobile page load time can lead to a 7% decrease in conversions. This means that even a slight delay can have a significant impact on your bottom line.


This involves minimizing the use of heavy graphics, optimizing server response times, and employing the latest web technologies to keep everything running like clockwork.

Quick Loading Time

Ensure Accessibility

Fintech should be for everyone, including those with disabilities. Ensuring accessibility means designing your UX design for fintech solution so that everyone, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities, can use it effectively.


This includes implementing voice commands, making sure color contrasts meet accessibility standards, and ensuring that navigation is intuitive for all users. Accessibility is not just a regulatory requirement; it’s a moral obligation and a market opportunity.


Embrace Mobile-first Design

In today’s world, more and more users are accessing financial services via their mobile devices. Embracing a mobile-first design ensures that your fintech solution provides an optimal experience on smaller screens.


This involves designing with mobile users in mind from the start, which can include touch-friendly interfaces, simplified menus, and features that leverage mobile-specific functionalities like GPS and biometric sensors.


Incorporating these considerations into your UX design for fintech strategy can significantly enhance the user experience, fostering loyalty and encouraging continued use. Companies leading the charge, are already putting these principles into practice, setting a high standard for what makes a good website UX great.


By focusing on simplifying user journeys, prioritizing security transparency, optimizing for speed, ensuring accessibility, and adopting a mobile-first approach, you’re not just following the latest UX trends. You’re building a fintech design that resonates with users and stands the test of time in the rapidly evolving digital financial landscape.



As we’ve explored the evolving landscape of fintech UX design, it’s clear that the journey from financial transactions to seamless, intuitive experiences has been transformative. At the core of this evolution is a deep understanding of the user’s needs, a commitment to security, and a drive to harness the latest technologies for more personalized, accessible, and engaging financial services.


Are you ready to redefine the fintech experience for your users? Whether you’re looking to innovate from scratch or elevate an existing application, connect with the best UI UX design company to bring your vision to life with cutting-edge UX design for fintech. Connect with the agency to give your fintech app a new face.




The design process of fintech involves understanding user needs, prototyping, testing, and iterating to create intuitive and secure financial solutions.

Designing a fintech app involves conducting thorough user research, prioritizing security, simplifying complex financial processes, and creating an intuitive and engaging user interface.

Kanika Khurana

Make your mark with Great UX