Game up your social media with great UX

The best place to sell your products/services today is online, on social media platforms. The days when advertisements were only seen on Television and Banners have gone. Today, your social media game has to be on point to attract the target customer base.


Social media presence helps you in Brand-building and credibility. The power of social media presence can be experienced when you have the first thought to purchase something. What do you do? Anyone with a smartphone will browse about it online and look for reviews, ratings, etcetera. This social proof influences customers to trust brands and purchase them.

ux for social media

Are you confused about getting better at using social media to promote your products/services? The main thing is to provide a good user experience to feel happy and satisfied after seeing your page. Here are a few suggestions to up your social media game by delivering a good UX.


Content Strategy:

The Users on social media do not care about your content if it is not relevant to them and is unattractive. Use content to provide an excellent reading experience to them. Many other companies are competing to get user attention. It would help if you had a content strategy according to the relevance of the user. The imagery you use with your content needs to be attractive and make the content readable and time-relevant.

ux for social media

Competitor UX Analysis:

  1. Keep a tab on the activities of your competitors.
  2. See and understand why their posts perform better and use those strategic UI elements.
  3. Avoid information pollution on social media platforms.


Over-enthusiasm can make your users unfollow you due to annoyance. Use analytics to get insights into your page activity.


Quality over quantity:

It is advisable to plan before and have a social media post calendar. The quality of posts should remain the same or improve but not degrade — curate content and designs based on the social media platform. LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. all have unique features, and use them according to their relevance.



A good user experience increases the engagement of your followers. Use a combination of interactive and non-interactive features to engage them. Try using the features of Instagram that allow you to put quizzes, polls, and questions, which gets the users involved in the process. It also makes them realize that their opinions matter for your brands. Understand the motivations of the user and be empathetic while you design. Use clear Call To Action(CTA) to direct the user to take action (like downloading an app or making a purchase.) Track the engagement using platform-based insights.

A social media UX strategy can be beneficial and do not underestimate its potential. Investing in social UX is profitable for any online business. Many businesses provide poor social media UX because they copy their competitors and do not implement social media UX strategies. It is crucial to make the user feel important.


If you want to leverage your social media presence and provide a good UX, contact the best UI UX design company in Mumbai. We will help you improve your social media User Experience.

Rashika Ahuja

Make your mark with Great UX