Amogh Dalvi

Amogh Dalvi
  • 15 Go-To Sources for Mobile Web App Design Inspiration

    15 Go-To Sources for Mobile Web App Design Inspiration

    Did you know that 90% of users abandon an app due to poor performance? This staggering statistic highlights just how crucial a well-designed app is.   A visually appealing and user-friendly design can be the difference between an app that thrives and one that flops.   In this blog post, we’ll look into go-to sources…

  • UX Research Agency: Top 6 To Hire in US

    UX Research Agency: Top 6 To Hire in US

    Let’s talk about some UX facts –   According to a report, a well-designed user interface could increase a website’s conversion rate by up to 200%, and a better UX design could yield conversion rates up to 400%.   So whether you’re a startup or an established company, partnering with the right UX research agency…

  • AI in Design: Unveiling the Roadblocks to Design Revolution

    AI in Design: Unveiling the Roadblocks to Design Revolution

    AI in design is on the rise, but challenges remain. Despite its potential to revolutionize the industry, concerns about ethics, creativity, and practical hurdles are holding some designers back.   In this blog, we’ll dive into the core hurdles of AI in design processes, based on a recent survey of 416 design professionals. We’ll explore…

  • Analysing Top 10 Banking App UX in India

    Analysing Top 10 Banking App UX in India

    Banking has become an effortless task in this technology-driven world. Nowadays, people can easily transfer money from one part of the world to another without any difficulties. Banking UX and India bank app trends have a huge role in making banking successful.   Banking app UX has a pivotal role in the success of mobile…

  • Improve User Experience: Key to Unlock Website Performance

    Improve User Experience: Key to Unlock Website Performance

    Startups are like brave explorers in the online world, always trying to grab people’s attention. Just like a captain needs a good ship to sail smoothly, startups need to Improve User Experience (UX) to make their way through the tough competition online.   The right UX design points them in the right direction, towards success.…

  • 8 Abandoned Cart Recovery Strategies to Boost Sales

    8 Abandoned Cart Recovery Strategies to Boost Sales

    In a digital landscape filled with opportunities, it’s disappointing to see the staggering reality that over 70.19% of online shopping carts are abandoned.   Think of an online store where customers excitedly fill their carts but leave them stranded in the path. However, the good news is your e-commerce site holds the power to recover…

  • 4-Step Guide to Building a User-Centric Product Roadmap

    4-Step Guide to Building a User-Centric Product Roadmap

    Imagine building a magnificent bridge, only to find it leads nowhere. Similarly, a product devoid of user focus can be a costly and frustrating endeavor. In the fast-paced world of mid-sized businesses, a user-centric product roadmap is the missing piece to bridge the gap between ambition and success.   Think of your product roadmap as…

  • Breaking Down the Stages of Design Project

    Breaking Down the Stages of Design Project

    A decade ago, the world might have scoffed at the idea of designs adapting in real-time to user moods or virtual prototypes offering tactile experiences. Yet, today’s design landscape teeters on the edge of such groundbreaking innovations. As design principles transform at a rapid pace, it’s essential to grasp the foundation that underpins these changes.…

  • How AI is Revolutionizing Website Design

    How AI is Revolutionizing Website Design

    Imagine standing at the crossroads of art and technology. On one side, there’s the time-honored craftsmanship of web design, driven by creativity and intuition. On the other, the world of algorithms, precise and logical. But what if these seemingly distinct worlds didn’t just intersect but intertwined?   In a recent observation, an artist meticulously crafted…