Blockchain UX

Mastering Blockchain UX: Secrets for Exceptional Design

In the past few months, while talking to multiple people, some of whom were cryptocurrency investors, we realized there is a lot of confusion around blockchain technology. The designers shared a common problem among users: a lack of trust while working on blockchain projects. A user-centric approach needs to be developed in the blockchain UX design of blockchain-based websites/apps.


Blockchain UX, simply put, is a decentralized digital ledger that records transactions across multiple computers in such a way that the registered transactions cannot be altered retroactively. This technology is the most talked-about, with 9 out of 10 senior executives believing it will achieve mainstream adoption.


Blockchain design boasts numerous applications with immense future potential. It has new applications made to disrupt entire industries and is used to establish and manage secure digital relationships. While the inherent complexity of blockchain UX can be intimidating, the next section will guide you in checking the key considerations to keep in mind while designing a blockchain app or website.


Key Considerations for Designing Blockchain-Based Apps/Websites

Blockchain has a huge impact, and its user coverage is cosmic. A lack of customer-centricity in blockchain-based apps will destroy the technology’s potential. The current development-centric approach ignores UX and design, which might not be fruitful for user satisfaction.

1. Use of Linguistics

Most users confuse Blockchain UI design with cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. There is unawareness regarding the key concepts and terms of blockchain technology. Terms like a ledger, public key, and private key are unfamiliar. However, the user understands personal address and layman’s words, and web users are familiar with usernames and passwords.


The solution to the complex blockchain terminology is to use user-centric language to deliver a clear and concise message/information.


2. Personas Mapping

Most cryptocurrency users are a sophisticated group, but Blockchain has an additional customer base. Developing personas of the users to understand their blockchain knowledge base will help design user-centric apps/websites. Surveys, focus-group discussions, and questionnaires are quantitative research methods that can help cover huge masses in blockchain UX Research.


3. Empathizing with the User

There is always fear and lower trust in unfamiliar things in humans. Blockchain has applications that deal with people’s identities, large amounts of money, sensitive information, and replacing legacy systems. It is essential to empathize with the user to discover design approaches to establish credibility in the blockchain user experience.


4. Information Delivery

The user needs to know what actions to take to go forward and complete a task. Avoid non-actionable data in the pool of other information to achieve task completion. Avoid using jargon and create active guidance and feedback by anticipating mistakes.


While Designing a blockchain app/website, the aim is to make it look credible, transparent, and easy to use. Most good designers will employ the techniques above to make the blockchain UX design user-centric.


5 Secrets to Enhancing Blockchain UX Design

Let’s figure out secrets to enhance blockchain UX design

1. Simplify Complexity

Simplifying complexity in blockchain UX design is crucial to making the technology accessible and user-friendly.


Here are some key pointers to achieve this:


  • Translate technical terms like “public key” into more familiar terms such as “public address” to make concepts easier to grasp.
  • Design straightforward layouts that guide users effortlessly, avoiding overwhelming elements.
  • Utilize diagrams, icons, and step-by-step guides to explain complex processes visually.
  • Provide tooltips, pop-up explanations, and short tutorial videos to offer timely help and build user confidence.
  • Ensure users receive clear feedback at each step to prevent confusion and enhance their understanding.


For example, check out our work for Wazirx  a blockchain application that prioritizes user trust and security in its design,


By implementing these blockchain UX design best practices, we can transform the perceived complexity of blockchain into a seamless and engaging user experience, encouraging broader adoption and user satisfaction.

2. Build Trust and Security

Building trust and ensuring security in blockchain UX design for blockchain is essential.


Here’s how to achieve it:


  • Highlight encryption and secure transactions prominently.
  • Display security badges and compliance certificates clearly.
  • Use straightforward language to explain data handling and protection.
  • Inform users about security updates and measures taken.


These blockchain UX design practices help build user trust and confidence, fostering a secure environment for blockchain applications.


3. Ensure Usability Across Platforms

Ensuring platform usability is vital for a seamless user experience in blockchain applications.


Here’s how:


  • Adapt to desktops, tablets, and mobiles.
  • Maintain a uniform look and feel across all devices.
  • Regularly test on various devices and OS to fix issues.
  • Ensure efficient performance on all platforms.


These blockchain UX design practices ensure blockchain apps are user-friendly and accessible everywhere.

Ensure Usability Across Platforms - UX design for blockchain

4. Onboarding and Education

Onboarding and education are crucial for user adoption in blockchain applications.


Here’s how to achieve it:


  • Guide new users through setup with clear instructions.
  • Provide detailed tutorials and tooltips.
  • Offer FAQs, help centers, and community support.


These blockchain UX techniques ensure users quickly understand and engage with blockchain applications.


5. Consistent User Experience

Consistency is key when it comes to user experience in blockchain applications.


Here’s why it matters:


  • Keep buttons, menus, and navigation consistent.
  • Ensure actions are predictable throughout.
  • Maintain a unified visual style.


By prioritizing consistency in blockchain UX design, you can create a cohesive and user-friendly environment that enhances user satisfaction and engagement.


These blockchain UX design best practices not only make blockchain technology more accessible and user-friendly but also foster trust, confidence, and broader adoption among users.


Putting Theory into Practice

Now that we’ve explored the key secrets to enhancing blockchain UX design, let’s see how these principles can be applied in a real-world scenario. In the MetaSky project, we tackled creating a user-friendly interface for a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) application.


By implementing the secrets outlined above, we were able to simplify complex functionalities, build user trust, and ensure a seamless experience across devices.


Blockchain technology holds immense potential across various industries, but its complexity and lack of user-centric design pose significant challenges. By adopting a user-centric approach and implementing key blockchain UX design practices, we can overcome these barriers and unlock the full potential of blockchain applications.


Looking for the best UI UX design agency to enhance your digital experiences? Contact us today to discover how we can elevate your user experience and drive success in the world of blockchain technology.

Rashika Ahuja

Make your mark with Great UX