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Why Smart Businesses Hire Design Agency: 10 Key Benefits

The importance of UX design is increasingly recognized, not only for enhancing user experience but also for driving substantial business results.


A well-known study reveals that for every $1 invested in UX, there’s a return of $100. This demonstrates the profound impact of UX design on a company’s bottom line. Industry-leading organizations are embracing a UX-led approach, focusing on creating user-centric and design-driven products.

hire design agency

But how do you maximize the success of your product and design? Should you build an in-house team or hire design agency?


While we are indeed a UI UX design agency, our goal here is to present a balanced perspective by outlining ten compelling reasons why hiring a design agency might be the right choice for your business.

Key Reasons to Hire Design Agency

1. No Need for Training: Instant Expertise at Your Fingertips

Building an in-house UX team is a time-consuming process that involves hiring, training, and integrating new team members. You’ll need to ensure they understand the company’s culture, align with your product goals, and fit within your existing team dynamics. This can take months, if not longer.


When you hire design agency, you eliminate the need for training altogether. The team you hire is already equipped with the necessary skills and experience, allowing you to hit the ground running.


Whether you need to hire an eCommerce UI UX designer, SaaS designers, or a UX strategist, an agency provides immediate expertise without the overhead of onboarding and training.


2. Access to Industry and Collective Expertise

Every project is unique, presenting different challenges that require varying levels of expertise. By hiring a design agency, you gain access to a comprehensive team of professionals, including UX researchers, designers, and project managers. This collective expertise ensures your project is managed by the right people at every stage.


In contrast, building an in-house team can be limiting, as you may need to hire new resources for each specific task or segregate them based on experience. Agencies offer the flexibility to bring in the right talent at the right time.

Access to Industry and Collective Expertise

3. Cost Control and Budget Flexibility

One of the significant advantages when you hire design agency is they have the ability to control costs and maintain budget flexibility. Once the project scope is defined, the agency adheres to it, minimizing unexpected expenses.


This allows you to allocate your budget more effectively and avoid the overhead costs associated with hiring and maintaining an in-house team. For example, the average salary for an in-house UX designer in the US ranges from $75,000 to $85,000.


If you need to hire multiple designers for various roles, the costs can escalate quickly. With an agency, you can ensure that your resources are used where they are most needed, providing better value for your investment.

Cost Control and Budget Flexibility

4. Fresh Perspectives and Unbiased Insights

It takes about 50 milliseconds (0.05 seconds) for users to form an opinion about a website. This shows the importance of having a professional design that captures users’ attention instantly.


Design is all about perspective, and sometimes internal teams can become too entrenched in their own views, leading to biased decisions. A design agency brings an external, unbiased viewpoint that can help you break free from internal echo chambers.


Agencies work across multiple industries and domains, giving them a deep understanding of current market trends and user behaviors. Whether you’re deciding between a web design agency vs. freelancer, or looking to hire designers, an agency can provide the insights you need to make informed decisions.


They won’t just tell you what you want to hear—they’ll offer honest, sometimes tough feedback to ensure your product succeeds.

5. Scalability and Flexibility in Resource Allocation

One of the challenges of building an in-house team is the difficulty in scaling resources up or down based on project needs. If your project suddenly requires additional designers, researchers, or strategists, you’ll need to go through the time-consuming process of hiring new employees.


Hiring a design agency provides the scalability you need without the hassle. Agencies can quickly allocate additional resources to your project as needed, whether you’re expanding the scope or speeding up the timeline. This flexibility is particularly valuable for businesses that experience fluctuating design needs on demand.


6. Streamlined Project Management and Timelines

When it comes to managing design projects, timelines are often tight, and delays can be costly. A design agency is well-versed in managing projects efficiently, with tested processes and methodologies that ensure timely delivery.


Agencies often have dedicated project managers who oversee the entire process, from initial planning to final delivery. This level of oversight helps to keep the project on track and ensures that deadlines are met.


For businesses with tight schedules or those unsure about the viability of a new idea, starting with an external agency on a short-term project can be a smart move. This approach allows you to test ideas and develop a robust plan without committing to long-term in-house resources.

Streamlined Project Management and Timelines


7. Long-Term Partnerships and Continuous Improvement

Hiring a design agency can lead to long-term partnerships that go beyond a single project. Agencies are invested in your success and often provide ongoing support and consultation even after the project is complete.


This continuous collaboration allows for ongoing improvements to your product, ensuring that it remains competitive and aligned with user needs. Whether you’re refining your current offering or planning future developments, a design agency can provide the expertise and support needed to keep your product evolving.


Organizations that focus on improving customer experience report a 42% increase in customer retention and a 33% improvement in customer satisfaction. These improvements underscore the value of investing in high-quality UX design to enhance customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Long-Term Partnerships

8. Access to the Latest Tools and Technologies

The UX design landscape is constantly evolving, with new tools and technologies emerging regularly. Keeping up with these advancements can be challenging for in-house teams, especially if they don’t have the budget to invest in the latest software or training.


When you hire design agency, you gain access to cutting-edge tools and technologies that are essential for creating modern, high-performing designs. Agencies often have subscriptions to premium design software, prototyping tools, and user testing platforms, which they use to enhance the quality and efficiency of their work.


This access ensures that your product benefits from the latest innovations in UX design without requiring you to make additional investments.


9. Focus on Core Business Activities

Running a business involves juggling multiple responsibilities, and managing an in-house UX team can add to the workload. By hiring a design agency, you can delegate the complex task of UX design to experts, allowing you to focus on your core business activities.


Whether your priority is product development, marketing, or customer service, outsourcing UX design enables you to concentrate on what you do best while ensuring that your product’s design is in capable hands.


This not only leads to better overall business performance but also allows you to use the specialized skills of the agency to create a more user-friendly product.

Focus on Core Business Activities

10. Measurable Results and ROI Tracking

One of the significant advantages of working with a design agency is the ability to measure the impact of design decisions on your business outcomes. Agencies often employ data-driven methodologies, including user testing, A/B testing, and analytics, to track the effectiveness of their designs.


This data-driven approach allows you to see the direct impact of UX design on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as conversion rates, user engagement, and customer satisfaction. With clear metrics in place, you can accurately assess the return on investment (ROI) for your design efforts, making it easier to justify the cost of hiring a design agency.



Deciding whether to build an in-house UX design team or hire design agency depends on your specific needs, timelines, and budget. The points discussed above highlight why hiring a design agency might be the more efficient, cost-effective, and scalable choice for many organizations.


When you hire design agency, you gain access to a team of experts who can deliver high-quality results, help you navigate complex challenges, and ensure your product meets user expectations.


If you’re considering taking your product to the next level, why not consult with experts? Contact us, a leading UI UX design company in Mumbai, to assess your needs and determine the best approach for your project.


Let’s discuss your project today!



UI/UX design agencies typically charge between $75 to $200 per hour, with project costs varying widely based on scope and complexity.

Companies should hire a UX design agency to leverage expert knowledge, streamline design processes, and create impactful digital products that enhance user engagement and drive business growth.

Rashika Ahuja

Make your mark with Great UX