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Micro-interactions to help improve UX

Humans are social beings, and they need to have periodic human interactions to be happy. But with changing times, most of us spend our time using digital devices. In such circumstances, it becomes essential to provide similar interactive experiences in technology for human use. Visuals and sound increase user engagement. But using micro-interactions for improved UX becomes vital to take the interaction and engagement level up. They are details that provide a unique and thrilling experience to keep you hooked to your devices.


“The details are not the details, making the design.” Charles Eames.


Let us discuss them in-depth in the following parts:


What Are Micro-interactions?

Microinteractions are part of the design that lets users interact with the digital interface. They are all around us, from the like button on Facebook, claps on Medium, switching tabs, sliding the menu down, etc. Microinteractions are simple; they are single-purpose driven by a trigger and make the user experience engaging and pleasurable.


‘Microinteractions: Designing with Details,’ Dan Saffer breaks down micro-interactions into four components: The trigger, the rules, feedback, and loops/modes. The trigger initiates the feedback, the rules define what type of feedback occurs, and the loops/modes determine exceptional cases where that feedback occurs or not. For example: When the User gets a WhatsApp notification, the trigger is the voice and text notification display on the home screen. Then the rule is to either reply to the message or mark it as unread. Any of the two actions gives feedback to the application system to do the same, and future action further continues the loop.

A few popular Micro-interactions for improved UX:

  1. Password Strength Feedback:
    By giving the user feedback about the password, the system indicates whether the actions taken by the user are heading in the right or wrong direction. It increases the usability and intuitiveness of the product.Password strength example using microinteractions for improved UX.
  2. Facebook react option-tap and hold effect:
    The like feature is one of the most liked ones on Facebook. It allows the user to communicate their preference for the posts from their friends. If the user taps and holds, Facebook has multiple emoticons to express themselves. Micro-interactions make the entire experience pleasing and desirable. Facebook React options by using micro-interactions for improved UX.
  3. Drag & Drop Upload:
    This is one of my favorite ones. The dragged file and drop highlight create an intuitive feeling and guide the user throughout the task.Drag and Drop upload


Why include Micro-interactions for improved UX?

Micro-interactions have become omnipresent. Many ignore micro-interactions and fail to realize that they cost the client because the details and emotional touch they provide are beneficial. These things separate ordinary from exceptional.


The following are the benefits:

  • They simplify actions
  • Reduce errors
  • Provide feedback to guide the user.
  • Smooth the User journey.
  • They drive the user’s attention.
  • Provide information.
  • Enable quick actions and help to teach the interface to the user.

After working in this industry for more than five years, we have closely followed changing trends and requirements targeted audiences from a 5-year-old to a 60-year-old user. We have a proven record of encouraging action and boosting conversions. Your customers will have a positive experience with your brand while quickly taking designated actions online, helping your business reach its goals. We are here to help you include micro-interactions in your design if you need assistance, and you can start a project with us anytime.


Tips to use Micro-interactions for improved UX:

  1. Use empathy:
    Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing within their frame of reference.
  2. Focus on Functionality:
    Micro-interactions should allow users to initiate and complete their needs and goals.
  3. Make it fun:
    When users interact with the animations, they should feel pleasant. Try to use elements that entertain the user even when the desired action is not accomplished or takes time. For example, 404 error message or when the page takes time to load, a creative animation can keep the user hooked instead of a boring message conveying the exact message.
  4. Keep it simple:
    Try to keep the interface clean and usable, as too many elements might clutter it and not convey the required information.


Tools to make Micro-interactions:

If you know how to code:

  1. Web: CSS animation
  2. Mobile: Xcode
  3. Mobile: Android studio
  4. Mobile/ Web: Framer


For detailed Interactions with simple drag-and-drop options:

  1. Origami Studio
  2. Principle
  3. Adobe XD
  4. Protopie


For detailed interactions + animations: After Effects


As designers, we must use micro-interactions effectively to take our products to the next level. At our digital design agency, we try to create the best results for our customers. To set yourself up for success, use the above information. We wish you good luck on your journey to using micro-interactions. If you need help to start a project, we are always there to help you.

Visit the best UI/UX Design agency in Mumbai, focusing on establishing an end-to-end product solution, from product design to development.

Rashika Ahuja

Make your mark with Great UX