UI/UX Design

How UI/UX Design Tripled Conversion Rates

A bad user interface and experience aren’t just a mild nuisance. It can even affect your business’ conversion rates. Therefore, if you want to see a more palatable and acceptable conversion rate for your product, consider taking a hard look at your UI and UX. We’ll cover more of that in this article below, but first, let’s discuss why UI/UX Design is important.

Why is UI/UX Design Important?

UI design, or user interface design, is about the more palpable visual elements of your digital product or website. Therefore, it is when you work on your layouts, typography, color schemes, and interactive features of your product. A well-designed UI makes a product both beautiful to behold but also makes visual markers that help make your product easily navigable.


On the other hand, UX design, or user experience design, takes a broader approach by considering the entire user journey. It involves understanding users’ needs and expectations to create meaningful experiences that meet their goals. UX designers conduct research, create wireframes and prototypes, conduct usability testing, and continuously iterate based on user feedback.

Is UI/UX Design Important?

Businesses can deliver valuable and enjoyable products by prioritizing the user’s perspective throughout the design process. Investing in UI/UX Design brings several benefits. According to Sytian Productions web developer Philippines, one of the most important reasons you should be caring about UI/UX Design is to improve how users feel when they go onto your website or app.


When a user on your site is satisfied with everything, then they’re more likely to engage with your design interface since it’s effortless to interact with your interface. Of course, another benefit it can give is an increase in conversion rates, which we’ll discuss later. For anyone interested in investing more in UI/UX Design – whether as a business owner, product manager, or designer – recognizing the importance of creating visually appealing and user-centric experiences is paramount. Now that we’ve covered that let’s discuss some avenues with which a UI/UX Design overhaul can increase conversion rates.


1. Enhanced user experience

Prioritizing user experience is something you should be doing from the start when designing anything, like an app or a website. That’s because it affects how long a user would want to stay on your site or app. If you want to see website redesign examples that improve user experience, then consider Reddit’s before and after. Their website has become more accessible and easy to navigate than its original design.


Enhanced user experience can also manifest itself through an overall increase in accessibility for users with disabilities. When you overhaul your site or app with this in mind, you not only get to have a more accessible site, but it’s still going to be a positive user experience for those without disabilities, and in some cases, may even improve it.


Users with a positive experience are more likely to convert into paying customers or take desired actions on the website. A well-executed UI/UX Design overhaul can attract new users and retain existing ones by fostering trust and loyalty.


2. Faster loading speeds

Another aspect of a more effective product interface design would usually involve somewhat improving the loading, especially if it’s a software or website you are designing. A well-executed UI or UX overhaul can significantly impact loading speeds, ultimately leading to an increase in conversion rates. Many approaches to your UI or UX can help with loading speed.


You can start by simplifying the interface and reducing unnecessary elements affecting your loading times. Optimizing images and graphics for web use can further enhance loading speeds. Aside from that, you can also adopt a more thoughtful information architecture and strategic placement of content. You change your product interface this way because it’s about aiding users to find what they need as quickly as possible.


Minimizing the number of steps required for conversions or purchases can help streamline the user journey and increase conversion rates. Faster loading speeds can also lead to better SEO for your site, as search engines prefer serving websites with quick page load times to those who use their search engines. Since your site is more visible, you can get more potential users into your product.


3. Effective call-to-action

Your website or product might count different things as a conversion. It could be someone signing up for a trial, buying something from your store, or reserving a date for consultation. Either way, you usually have a call-to-action or CTA in place to achieve that.


A well-designed UI ensures that the CTA stands out prominently, making it easy for users to locate and interact. Straightforward typography, contrasting colors, and intuitive placement of buttons are some key aspects that contribute to a compelling CTA.


Through careful research and analysis of user behavior, designers can identify pain points and streamline the user journey toward the CTA. That way, once you serve your CTA, it feels like you’ve given enough reasons to justify a conversion from them, so the CTA appears at just the correct times.


4. Higher brand loyalty

When customers trust and rely on your brand, they have a sense of brand loyalty with you. You want to foster that relationship through positive customer interactions, even regarding your digital presence. That’s why you may need to do a UI/UX Design overhaul if you feel you’re not serving what your loyal customers want.


If you foster brand loyalty and care for loyal customers, you can get customers that patronize your business repeatedly.


5. Mobile responsiveness

It is a mistake not to adapt your website for mobile users since a hefty chunk of your ideal user base would be viewing your site through their phones or other devices. By considering mobile responsiveness, you ensure that the user experience and interface are still pleasurable for mobile phone users.


That way, you don’t lose out on potential customers simply because your website on other devices loads too slowly or the elements are out of order and indistinguishable.


6. Increased customer engagement

Whether it’s an app or a website, your goal is to increase the time a user is on it, as the more they stay there, the likelier it is for them to convert. Not only that, but you also want to make sure that they’re engaging there. With an excellent approach to your user interface and experience, you can create these positive customer experiences in your product.

Customer Engagement

For example, serving valuable and relevant content in an easy-to-consume way is one approach to better customer engagement. However, simply having a website that isn’t a hassle to navigate can be the natural appeal to your users sometimes.


7. Increased conversion rates and sales

As mentioned earlier, a conversion doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a sale, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be that either. Picture yourself on an e-commerce site. The product photos don’t load, the product description is nowhere to be found, and you don’t even know where your Shopping Cart is.


If that’s what you encounter, don’t you think you’d click away from the store ASAP? That’s why you should invest more in your UI and UX since that would help you avoid that issue altogether.



These benefits to a more improved UI or UX design for your product interface, no matter what it may be, can directly or indirectly affect your conversion rates. Therefore, if you’ve been seeing lots of traffic and engagement your way and yet there are no conversion rates, consider looking into your UI/UX Design.

As a top UI UX design company in Mumbai, Procreator Design is your go-to digital design agency. We specialize in elevating platforms across the HealthTechEdTechFinTech, and AdTech sectors. Visit us and let’s enhance your digital presence together!



In UI/UX, the conversion rate measures how effectively a design or interface prompts users to take a desired action, such as signing up or making a purchase.

UX is crucial for conversion as it ensures a smooth, intuitive user journey, minimizing friction points and making it easier for users to complete desired actions.

Kenneth Sytian

Make your mark with Great UX