UI Design

Kanika Khurana
  • Responsive Web Design Done Right: 3 Key Strategies

    Responsive Web Design Done Right: 3 Key Strategies

    A user might swipe through a site on their smartphone at dawn and scroll on a laptop by dusk. This device dance demands a responsive web design that isn’t just attractive but adapts seamlessly. Ever experienced a jarring shift between mobile and desktop views? That’s the cross-device challenge staring back at you.   But, what…

  • Hiring a UI UX Design Agency: 10 Key Questions to Ask

    Hiring a UI UX Design Agency: 10 Key Questions to Ask

    Searching for the ideal UI UX Design Agency is essential to finding a reliable navigator in a crowded marketplace. It’s very important to discover a collaborator who grasps your vision and possesses the skills to make it a reality.   The right agency can significantly impact your bottom line. A study found that well-designed user…

  • SaaS UI Design: 8 Interesting designs from Top SaaS Platforms

    SaaS UI Design: 8 Interesting designs from Top SaaS Platforms

    Gone are the days of clunky enterprise software interfaces that lacked both style and usability. Today, SaaS UI design has evolved into something much more than just functionality – It’s about creating an immersive and delightful design interface experience for users.   In a highly competitive SaaS landscape, it’s crucial to make your platform stand…

  • Illustrations for UI Design: Types, Examples and Trends

    Illustrations for UI Design: Types, Examples and Trends

    An illustration is a visual representation of a particular subject or concept. Like they say, “A picture says a thousand words.” We at ProCreator believe “an illustration conveys the exact meaning.” It helps viewers to understand the matter conveniently.   Let’s go back to the time when languages or words were yet to be formed.…

  • 7-Step Guide to Mobile App Wireframe [6+ GPT Prompts]

    7-Step Guide to Mobile App Wireframe [6+ GPT Prompts]

    AI is revolutionizing the mobile app design process, especially during the wireframing stage. It streamlines the creation of wireframes, allowing for rapid prototyping and iterations based on user feedback. Did you know, that AI-powered tools can automatically convert sketches into digital wireframes, suggest layout improvements, and even predict user navigation paths?   This not only…

  • Usability Testing 101: Why You Need It for Success

    Usability Testing 101: Why You Need It for Success

    There are questions for which the answer is always “yes.” Should you follow your project timelines? Yes. Do you want to watch another episode of Friends? Yes. Every episode is amazing? Yes. Does usability testing matter? Yes. Absolutely. Always. It plays an important role in creating a good user experience, and here’s why.   The…

  • When to use Illustrations in UI Design?

    When to use Illustrations in UI Design?

    Long complex lines of text or an image that can replace that text still conveying the same message, which one would you prefer? Humans are visual creatures. We process visuals much faster than text, and they tend to stick in our minds for longer.   That’s why illustrations in UI design play a crucial role…

  • Why is icon design important in UI design?

    Why is icon design important in UI design?

    Icons are everywhere! Take a look at the screen you are staring at right now. You will find icons on your desktop, even on the website you’re reading this. Icon design forms a crucial part of any website or app design. Icons are universally understood.   We all know an ‘X’ indicates closing the window,…

  • Analysing Top 10 Banking App UX in India

    Analysing Top 10 Banking App UX in India

    Banking has become an effortless task in this technology-driven world. Nowadays, people can easily transfer money from one part of the world to another without any difficulties. Banking apps and trends have a huge role in making banking successful.   Banking app UX has a pivotal role in the success of mobile banking apps. UX…