Sandesh Subedi

Sandesh Subedi
  • User Experience Analytics: Guide to Level Up Your UX

    User Experience Analytics: Guide to Level Up Your UX

    User Experience Analytics is a compass that guides us through the vast sea of user experience design, ensuring we’re always heading in the right direction. Simple imagine – you’re a captain sailing across the open ocean. Without a compass, it’s easy to veer off course, lost amidst the waves of user feedback, design iterations, and…

  • Iconography Guidelines – Basic Guide

    Iconography Guidelines – Basic Guide

    Before we dive into the icon design guidelines, let’s learn about what the term iconography means.   Iconography is a visual design system, guiding the representation of functions, features, and concepts via icons. There are rules that are put into place that govern the visual style and aesthetic of these icons.   These rules are…

  • Hiring a UI UX Design Agency: 10 Key Questions to Ask

    Hiring a UI UX Design Agency: 10 Key Questions to Ask

    Searching for the ideal UI UX Design Agency is essential to finding a reliable navigator in a crowded marketplace. It’s very important to discover a collaborator who grasps your vision and possesses the skills to make it a reality.   The right agency can significantly impact your bottom line. A study found that well-designed user…

  • Exploring the Top Fintech Companies in India

    Exploring the Top Fintech Companies in India

    Fintech companies in India are changing the game, making banking and finance a lot cooler and more user-friendly. Users can perform banking without ever visiting a bank or talking to a broker just through their phone. That’s what fintech companies in India are offering.   They’re using technology to make everything from paying bills and…

  • 8 Common Mistakes To Avoid in Usability Testing

    8 Common Mistakes To Avoid in Usability Testing

    Usability testing—much more than a checkbox in the design process, it’s the compass that guides digital experiences.   Have you ever wondered what makes some websites or apps effortlessly intuitive, while others leave you scratching your head in confusion? The answer often lies in the art of usability testing. Creating a great user experience is…

  • Website Redesign Useful Tips, Proposals, and Best Guide

    Website Redesign Useful Tips, Proposals, and Best Guide

    Ever found yourself on a website that feels like it’s stuck in a time warp? You know, the kind that makes you wonder if the internet missed the memo about progress? We’ve all been there, right? But here’s the thing: in a world where microseconds count and digital-first impressions are make-or-break, can your website afford…

  • The Future of Design: AI, Automation and Product Development

    The Future of Design: AI, Automation and Product Development

    Remember the days of meticulously hand-painting billboards? They were giants of the advertising world, capturing imaginations and shaping trends. But like the brushstrokes fading away, the era of hand-painted billboards is slowly receding, replaced by the sleek sterility of digital displays.   With new rapidly changing technology, AI has become the most used and discussed…

  • Optimizing Design Collaboration with UX Design Agencies

    Optimizing Design Collaboration with UX Design Agencies

    Steering a startup requires adept navigation through the business world’s daily challenges, from resource management to market competition. A key element in this journey is the collaboration with design agencies, which for small companies, can be a strategic game-changer.   Optimizing this alliance is crucial for extracting its full value. This blog explores the nuances…

  • Understanding the Product Design Process

    Understanding the Product Design Process

    What distinguishes an iconic product from a fleeting trend? Beyond mere aesthetics or function, it’s deeply embedded in its design journey. Having witnessed the transformative shifts in the UI/UX realm, I believe that our modern audience seeks experiences, not just solutions. This blog delves into the meticulous stages of product design, marrying insights from my…